|| Adhishtaanam tathaa kartaa karanam ca prthagvidham
vividhaashca prthakceshtaa daivam caivaatra pancamam ||
(Bhagavat Gita: 18.14)
Lord Krishna said,
The result of action depends on its place, its doer, the instruments,
various kinds of endeavours, and the Supreme Soul.
various kinds of endeavours, and the Supreme Soul.
At Radma Research, we know only too well that findings of the intensive and inescapable exercise of market research (MR) are as much about experienced hunch as they are about data-led patterns. In this evolutionary journey, we assume the role of a reliable adviser in accurately pointing at the market gaps your business seeks to bridge.
Method to the Madness

Various global studies have found organisations falling short on key consumer data. As the world changes swiftly and is faced with various socio-economic as well as environmental alterations, uncertainty bogs businesses and the direction they will take the world over.
Serendipitous or reiterative, we constantly pre-empt challenges in market research and overcome them. Our qualitative researchers and experts across industry verticals are honed to offer the highest quality of actionable results no matter how tall the task.
Our global accreditations and associations are testimony of the world-class advisory that accompany our never-say-die attitude! With our integrity, passionate client-focus and long-term relationships, commitment to the highest standards of methodological rigour, and a culture of success and pride through a supportive and rewarding work environment, we ensure you have credible and compelling solutions for every project.